Berry Refreshing Beauty Blitz
Level:EasyTime:10 minsServes:2
It's high summer here in Byron Bay, and we've been keeping cool with this beautiful and very refreshing and beautifying summer frappe. It's a pretty simple mix of our fave summer fruits blitzed in a blender to create a refreshing beverage.
This yummy frappe features our amazing Schisandra, which lends a touch of tang to the otherwise fruity crush, and SuperFeast MSM, which helps keep your summer skin glowing and your liver loved from the inside-out.Â
Core Ingredients
- 1 tsp SuperFeast Schisandra
Other Ingredients
- 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
- 1/2 mango (one cheek)
- 1 cup organic apple juice (also good - coconut water, OJ, or even plain spring water for less sweetness)
- 1tsp pitaya powder (a.k.a. dragonfruit powder, for the very potent antioxidants, including the purple/red anthocyanins, and catechins and epicatechins)
- A few fresh mint leaves
- 2-3 cups ice
- Bee pollen or other toppings optional
Step 1
1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blitz until combinedStep 2
2. Add more ice for a thicker slushy, or more juice for a more liquid one.Featured in this recipe