Virile Stag Coffee
The coffee that makes you young and virile.
Deer antler velvet remains one of my all time favourite herbs. I was captivated years ago by how revered both the deer and the antler extract (check out our article here on all the amazing benefits of deer antler and the details around how we harvest the antler) were by the ancient Taoist herbalists and the deep health they attributed to its long-term use.
They’d utilise it for every type of bodily deficiency, including kidneys, weak constitution and lack of blood and sex hormones (in both men and women). It was one of their core herbal answers to premature ageing and slowing it preventatively (and permanently in their eyes…)
I personally use it at times of high athleticism to speed recovery, and keep it in my regular circulation of tonic herbs for overall superior hormonal health. When the kidneys are strong and the Qi / blood is flowing, it is one of the key Shen (spirit) tonics in the tonic system and contributes to deep inner contemplation and meditative practices.
This recipe is my sure fire way to get the essence of the antler deep in my system, riding the herbal delivery method of coffee.
(Please note to only use this recipe when you are hydrated.)
Core Ingredients
Other Ingredients
- 1/4-1/2 tsp Deer antler velvet powder extract
- 1 short black coffee
- 1 tsp MCT oil

Step 1
Add deer antler and MCT to your short blackStep 2
Stir well and enjoyFeatured in this recipe