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Top Tips To Care For Your Herbs

Have your herbs gone a bit clumpy? Maybe your kraft bag has ripped? Maybe you've blended a dessicant.... Read on as we share our top tips for caring for your herbal allies.

It happens to nearly every SuperFeaster, in fact we like to see them as the two initiations when joining the SuperFeast community:

  1. Your herbs go hard and 
  2. You blend a desiccant!

With regards to number 2, well, there’s not much advice we have there for you :) That one, you are on your own!

Now numero uno, well we certainly *do* have some advice. Watch the video below to get your step by step on how to care for your herbs.



Our herbs, the best in the business, can give you superhuman vitality, can help you age gracefully, can provide your brain that extra boost, they can balance hormones and clear your skin issues… frankly, they can do *so* many things. However, they  are a little bit fickle when it comes to moisture! And by fickle, I actually mean super sensitive. So we’re dealing with a bunch of sensitive little snowflake herbs, where moisture is their kryptonite. 

In all seriousness, please realise, our herbs may clump, because they are 100% herbs-only; no additives, fillers, starches, excipients, binders. They are simply the best quality herbs you can get and because there are no additives, there may be a tendency to clump.


Plus, here in Australia, especially on the Northern Rivers coastal area (where we pack your herbs) it can be quite humid. We pack in airconditioning and use dehumidifers to ensure zero humidity. Humid climates can lead to clumpy herbs. Another reason we find clumpy herbs is when the herbs are not used consistently. 

Here’s a big, important, public service announcement:  your clumpy herbs are still good! (We are assuming they are within the expiry date). Please do not throw them out, they are still filled with loads of medicinal goodness, fully bioavailable and ready to serve you. We’ve got a couple of solutions for you below. But first...


Reasons For Clumpy Herbs

  • Using a wet spoon
  • Humidity
  • You’ve left your herbs for sometime, unused
  • We don’t add any weird or nasty ingredients to stop them clumping; 100% pure herbs only


Tips To Stop Clumpy Herbs

Prevention is always the best strategy, the key is minimising air exposure… here are tips to best preserve and protect your extract powders:


  1. Always use a dry spoon. Always. No exceptions. Ever.
  2. If in a humid climate, store your herbs in the fridge or freezer
  3. Use your herbs consistently
  4. If you are not using consistently, get into your herbs weekly with a dry spoon and stir them around
  5. Shake your jar of herbs weekly, give it a good shake it like a polaroid picture (or crush the herbs between your fingers in your kraft bag)
  6. Release any excess air from your kraft bag of herbs
  7. Leave your desiccant in there, until your herbs are finished (just don’t add them to the blender!)

**Remember, your relationship with your herbs is just that, a relationship. We encourage you to take care of them, how they take care of you. Be mindful during your interactions with them and look after them as you would a pot plant or a cat. Seriously! Care for what you love.**

My herbs are clumpy, what can I do?

If your herbs are still within their expiry date, your herbs are still ok to use! Just break up the clumps with a spoon, or break them apart in the bag. They are right to go :)

My herbs are one solid lump, what to do?

Simply add hot water, straight to the jar and then pour the water into your cup. Store the jar in the fridge to stop any mould. You’ll need to use these wet herbs pretty quickly. If the herbs are in a kraft bag, transfer to a jar and add hot water.


Are you herbs hard? Take a photo for us and get in touch at - we will help you out :)


And For All The Hard-Core Frothers Out There...

For all our frothers out there, who are happy to take a few more steps, to ensure you don’t waste any crumb of your hardened herbs, then check out the below ste-by-step video and follow Mason’s instructions as he takes you through how to rehydrate your herbs:


** check out this article on how to remove your label from your Miron


A Special Note on Kraft Bag Care

Sometimes one of the sealer sides comes off and then you can’t close your bags anymore. We get it. You get really really super stoked to get into your herbs, so much so, you rip into them with excitement. We just need to remind you to show some decorum people ;P The trick here is to get your thumbs nice and deep into the crease and gently open. 


If your kraft bag has broken and the seal doesn’t work, simply transfer your herbs into a jar. But make sure your jar is super dry, super super dooper dry and you can seal the jar well. Transfer your desiccant to the jar too.

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Preconception Practices & The Family Culture with Mason & Tahnee From SuperFeast (EP#66)

Join Tahnee and Mason as they share a beautiful, gentle conversation around reproductive health, the family culture and pregnancy preparation.

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Preconception Practices & The Family Culture with Mason & Tahnee From SuperFeast (EP#66)