Camp Jing
We can never underestimate the loveliness of time spent out in nature.
Here we have a wonderful recipe that is easy enough to take out on the trail with you. You can put all the ingredients into your backpack and head out on to the mountain, set up your campsite, sleep to wake into the fresh morning air, and cook this one up over the camp fire to energise you for the day's hiking. This tasty treat is totally caffeine free so perfect for all of you working on getting off coffee. Plus it doesn't have any Cacao either!
Perfect hot dandy/chicory tonic. Quick and refreshing for a little spring in your step on a brisk morning hike.
Core Ingredients
Other Ingredients
- 1/4 - 1 tsp SuperFeast JING
- 1 tsp of roasted dandelion root/roasted chicory blend
- 1/2 tsp of roasted chicory
- 1 heaped tsp of fried peppermint leaves

Step 1
Put all into a teapot. Brew for 2.5 mins ⛺️Step 2
Strain into a mug and add 1 heaped teaspoon of JING! ⛺️Featured in this recipe