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Neural Nectar and Its Incredible Nootropic Benefits

Bringing stimulation to the brain is a huge topic right now and with good reason; People want greater memory cognition, they need to retain information better and have stronger recall, they want clearer thinking and quicker wit. Some individuals just need to go after it each and every day, due to their complex jobs or juggling all that life has to offer. Who has time to be mentally exhausted? Read on to learn more.

What is Neural Nectar?

Neural Nectar is a combination of ancient, highly adaptive nootropic herbs specifically blended to enhance the longevity and performance of the brain in these modern times. Neural Nectar is a formulation of: 

  • Mucuna
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Lion’s Mane
  • White Peony
  • Astragalus

The use of nootropics is especially important these days due to the high levels of pressure being put on our minds due to endless stimuli and environmental stressors.

If you happen to be unfamiliar with the term 'nootropic' then read our blog 'Nootropics - What Are They?' so we can dive a little deeper into that with you, but essentially; Nootropics or ‘smart drugs’ as they are so commonly referred to, are substances that enhance the cognitive powers of the brain. While these substances can be synthetically manufactured (similar to what our friend Dr Giurgea did with Piracetam), they also exist naturally in many plants, particularly herbs - including our Neural Nectar Blend! 


Who Is Neural Nectar Good For?

Neural Nectar is a beautiful addition to your health regime, especially if you are a: 

  • Student
  • Mum, with brain fog or juggling the family and / or work life
  • Entrepreneur
  • Business and corporate executive
  • Biohacker
  • Business owner
  • Or just wanting to prevent neurodegeneration and ensure you are taking care of your brain into your later years! 

Top 3 Benefits of Neural Nectar

1# Brain Circulation + Neural Nectar

Remember when you were a kid and you could do a handstand or cartwheel and you'd be fine, no head spin. Our brains and connections, organs and cardiovascular systems are naturally supple. As we age, our tissue loses this suppleness and chances are, you try that headstand in your later years, and you'll be spinning. Nootropic herbs, such as those found in Neural Nectar, tonify our body's foundational ability to keep tissue young and supple and support consistent blood flow to the brain. 

It is the Ginko biloba in particular, which reduces stickiness in the blood and increases circulation in the brain. This potent botanical stimulates cerebral circulation, thins the blood and increases dilation of the blood vessels. These actions all allow increased oxygen and nourishment to the brain. Ginkgo's ability to improve circulation and blood flow in the brain makes it a useful and powerful nootropic. White peony encourages systemic circulation, especially to the brain, in fact activation of the hippocampus (part of the brain that stores new information) occurs while using white peony. Astragalus, a potent Qi herb supports the circulation of Qi and Blood throughout the body, further supporting brain circulation. 

Mason (owner of SuperFeast) with fresh Gingko biloba in the pristine hinterlands of China, where we source our herbs Di Tao 

2# Mental Stamina + Neural Nectar

Gingko biloba enhances cognition by increasing levels of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter most closely associated with learning, as well as dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with motivation and reward. Further, a number of studies and clinical trials have shown that Ginkgo biloba markedly improves memory.

Spatial working memory has been shown to be positively effected in rat subjects via white peony extracts. Plus research has also demonstrated that Lion's Mane encourages the formation of both nerve growth factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor. These factors support healthy myelin actions, allowing the transport and fluidity of neuronal cell messaging. Rhodiola has been shown to effect improvements in memory and learning, during anima experiments. 

3# Neurodegeneration + Neural Nectar

The herbs found in Neural Nectar have been used to prevent the degeneration of the brain to bring longevity to overall health, just as traditional herbalists did.

Interestingly, Mucuna is known to reduce the tremors that occur in conditions like Parkinson's disease; it's thought due to the presence of L-dopa (a precursor of neurotransmitter dopamine). Research has suggested that L-dopa can cross the blood-brain barrier and undergo conversion to dopamine, restoring neurotransmission. Rocking neurotransmission is needed for day to day functioning, memory and recall. Obviously if you or your loved ones are suffering from Parkinson's you should discuss any herbal treatments with your healthcare provider.  

Studies and clinical trials indicate that Gingko biloba can slow down mild age-related non-Alzheimer’s cognitive decline and significantly reduce cognitive deterioration associated with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. 

Our Neural Nectar blend is extremely high in antioxidants and terpenes, making it a powerful anti-inflammatory, with neuroprotective effects on the brain and bodily systems. Being a potent anti-oxidant blend, brain tissue is protected and preserved. Ginkgo biloba has been shown to enhance certain neuropsychological / memory processes of cognitively intact older adults, 60 years of age and over. ⠀

SuperFeast Neural Nectar

SuperFeast Neural Nectar contains ingredients that are:

  • Grown in pristine rural areas of China
  • Check out this link to see where your SuperFeast Lion's Mane comes from
  • A full-spectrum extraction
  • Non standardised, each of the herbs constituents are left in their natural ratios. This means the herbs are as close to you extracting the herbs yourself as possible. 

Like the sound of this unique brain optimisation formulation? Then head over to the SuperFeast online store and check out Neural Nectar. A key player in our SuperFeast apothecary, Neural Nectar is a beautiful blend to get your neurons firing. 

A Special Note on Synthetic Nootropics

With brain health and biohacking so hot right now, there are countless synthetic nootropics and brain stimulants on the market. In particular, the biohacking community are heavily into the isolates (the pharmaceutical nootropics), essentially wanting to stimulate the cerebrum and increase neurotransmitter production.

Please know: these synthetics harm the brain in the long term. 'Smart drugs' are synthetic, the long term side effects are not known and results have something of a glass ceiling. Some synthetic smart drugs are addictive and the side effects can be awful. We have heard from many people who have had negative experiences with prolonged use of synthetic nootropics. Beware  

Neural Nectar

Neural Nectar and the Traditions

According to the ancient Taoist philosophy the brain's health is an accumulation of all the five Yin organs: the Lungs, Heart, Spleen, Liver and Kidneys. What you need to be aware of the is that the essence and capacity of these organs give you the foundation of your healthy brain. So if you are looking at brain gains, you need to therefore focus on the primary essence of all the organs.

This unique adaptogenic nootropic blend has purposely been crafted by Mason (founder of SuperFeast), to work both directly on the brain, but also, to support and nourish all the five organs. As according to the traditions, direct effects on the brain are key but support for organs is vital for overall brain health.  

Neural Nectar contains the powerhouse that is ginkgo, which yes, brings circulation directly to the brain, but it also works specifically on the heart and lungs. Lion's Mane provides direct support and nourishment to the spleen. Mucuna is obviously a direct precursor to dopamine and lifting up the neurotransmitters, but it's also a potent Yang Jing herb.

In adding White Peony to the Neural Nectar mix, the Yin Jing nature of this herb helps to balance the energy, dropping down the energy and nourishing the Yin of the Kidneys. White peony also strengthens the capillaries and acts as a circulatory nootropic herb.

As you can see, this wonderful blend has several elements working directly on the brain, to give you that vital neural support, but in line with our Taoist philosophy, the blend also supports all the five organs.

A Final Note

Neural Nectar:

  • is for superior brain health
  • is a nootropic tonic herb blend for cerebral longevity 
  • tones both brain function AND the organs that provide the foundations of superior cognitive function
  • is great for students, mums, executives, biohackers, entrepreneurs and all those wishing to optimise brain functions


Very few. Ginkgo may have a blood thinning effect (as it increases blood circulation) so those on blood thinning medication are advised to be very cautious with incorporating ginkgo into their lifestyle.

If you experience severe anxiety or are taking antidepressants or any prescription medication, always talk to your practitioner about using nootropics, (due to the ginko biloba).

And we don't suggest to take if pregnant or breastfeeding, there have been two studies suggesting mucuna lowers prolactin. The jury is still out on this one, so better safe than sorry.



Extract of mucuna species and the use thereof as anti-parkinsons’s disease

Bäurle P, Suter A, Wormstall H. Safety and effectiveness of a traditional ginkgo fresh plant extract – results from a clinical trial Forsch Komplementmed. 2009

Mix JA, Crews WD Jr. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 in a sample of cognitively intact older adults: neuropsychological findings. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2002

Forestalling the Epidemics of Parkinson's Disease Through Plant-Based Remedies

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Nootropics - What Are They?

A quick Google search will enlighten you to the fact that the word ‘nootropic’ was initially coined in 1972 by a Romanian psychologist and chemist, Corneliu E. Giurgea. The man responsible for synthesising Piracetam, the world's first cognition enhancing pharmaceutical...

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