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Eucommia Bark: See Where Your Herb Comes From

Eucommia bark is a potent Yang Jing herb that will fire up your Kidney stores, help support a strong healthy immunity, endurance and fertility and a strong digestion. In particular, Eucommia is all about the bones, the tendons, the skeletal system, connective tissue and providing strength and flexibility.

Eucommia bark is one of those herbs that we not only needed to sell as an individual herb, but also add it into one of our bread and butter, our SuperFeast JING blend. Want to see where your SuperFeast Eucommia Bark comes from? Read on...


SuperFeast Eucommia Bark is grown in one of the most magical and pristine places on earth (remember Avatar, the movie? Our Eucommia is grown at the Avatar Mountains! Truly!) The area is buzzing with life and shows a varied and absolutely robust ecosystem. The way we source Eucommia bark is very particular and tight, with long term sustainability for the herb and the planet in mind (like how we source *all* our herbs). Our trees must be 8 years old before a harvest. The tree has a mucosal membrane below the bark and if you cut into this you will damage the tree and harm its ability to reproduce - skilled farmers like our mate Mr Lee (he's been harvesting Eucommia bark for decades) do not do this, and these are the harvesters we work with.


See the mucosal membrane in the opening pic? Cool hey. Just looking at the membrane, we can see why this potent Jing herb, which has been revered by the Taoist population for centuries, has the ability to support and build a strong skeletal framework, as well as provide support for your tendons and ligaments.

In the image below you can see Mason and Mr Lee harvest some fresh Eucommia bark from the SuperFeast Eucommia Bark farm

This potent Yang Jing herb will fire up your Kidney stores, help support a strong healthy immunity, endurance and fertility and a strong digestion. In particular, Eucommia is all about the bones, the tendons, the skeletal system, connective tissue and providing strength and flexibility.


We've got some great footage from the SuperFeast Eucommia Bark farm here too, so check it out!


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Get To Know Poria Mushroom

The humble poria mushroom. While we don't have it on as a single herb, it is a huge player in our specially curated and absolute community favourite, Mason's Mushrooms. Read on to learn more! 

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